Friday, May 22, 2020

Love Inspired Presents: Her Amish Suitor's Secret by Carrie Lighte

Sometimes the truth comes at a cost.

Can she forgive him

when she learns his true identity?
Posing as an Amish groundskeeper at Rose Allgyer’s lakeside cabin retreat, Englischer Caleb Miller is determined to clear his brother’s name of theft. But as he’s drawn to Rose’s good nature, the burden of his ruse gets heavier—especially after learning Rose was deceived by her ex-fiancĂ©. Still guarded, will Rose trust Caleb with her heart when she discovers he isn’t who he claims to be? 

About The Author

Carrie Lighte enjoys traveling to Amish communities across the United States and she hopes to visit a few in Canada soon, too. When she isn't writing, reading or researching, she likes to hike, kayak and spend time at the beach.


Excerpt, HER AMISH SUITOR’S SECRET by Carrie Lighte (Love Inspired)

“Isn’t it quiet where you live in Wisconsin?”
“It’s not this quiet. This peaceful. There’s something about being here, where sometimes the loudest sound I hear is water lapping the shore… It makes me feel so calm. I feel like that when I’m working in the fields, too. Probably because when I was young I used to es-cape to the garden when—”
Rose stopped paddling, eager to hear the rest of his sentence. He hardly ever talked about his youth. “When what?” she pressed, looking over her shoulder to get a glimpse of his face.

Over the past couple of weeks while chatting with Rose, Caleb had occasionally forgotten to guard his Englisch identity, but until now, he’d always guarded his emotions, especially those concerning his upbringing. He hadn’t meant to disclose his feelings tonight—he hadn’t even intended to spend any time alone with Rose. But opening up to her seemed to happen naturally, in spite of yesterday’s resolution to put distance between himself and the Amish of Serenity Ridge. So he continued, “My mamm and daed bickered a lot and it helped to go outdoors to get away from them. When I was gardening, I forgot about their troubles. Tending to Gott’s creation made me feel… Well, it made me feel tranquil.” Kind of like how I feel right now.
Caleb had also stopped paddling and mild waves gently rocked the canoe. In the moonlight, he could see Rose’s eyebrows were furrowed and she appeared to be contemplating what he’d just said. After a quiet spell, she questioned, “Does gardening still bring you a sense of tranquility?”
“Jah, it does.” Caleb’s mouth went dry as he anticipated her next question: she was going to ask why he’d become a teacher instead of a farmer, and he couldn’t drum up a credible reply.
Instead, she gave him a fetching smile and, before twisting forward in her seat again, she added, “I’m glad. For our sake, as well as for yours.”
Caleb let his breath out slowly. He dipped his paddle into the water and Rose did, too. As they journeyed he thought about how amazing it felt to confide in her. Maybe he wasn’t being honest about the facts of his life, but tonight he’d been honest about his emotions. And even though Rose’s back was to him as she sat in the bow, there was something so…not necessarily romantic, but so personal about being with her that he’d never felt with his friends or any of the women he’d ever dated. Rose seems to enjoy spending time with me, too, Caleb rationalized. So what’s the harm in continuing to develop friendships here as long as no one finds out I’m Englisch?
When they pulled onto the shore near the trailhead by Paradise Point, Caleb hopped out and dragged the canoe several feet up the embankment so Rose wouldn’t get her shoes wet, and then they headed for the forested path. It was much darker beneath the trees than on the open water, so Rose shone the flashlight on the ground in front of her. Caleb initially tried to follow in her foot-steps but after tripping twice, he decided to accompany her side by side on the narrow path in order to get the benefit of the light.
“I think we should talk so we don’t startle any animals,” Rose announced loudly. “Or we should sing.”
“My singing would frighten the animals,” Caleb jested. 
“In that case, you should have serenaded the skunks on the porch—maybe they would have left.”
“Or they would have sprayed me,” Caleb said. “This probably isn’t the right time to ask, but are there many other kinds of animals in these woods?”
“Serenity Ridge has a family of moose that sometimes make their presence known. The other night when I was coming back from the dining hall, I thought I heard one in the bushes behind me, but then it went quiet.”
Caleb’s ears perked up. “What night was that?”

My Review

How far do you go to help your brother? Caleb Miller is doing just that and you wonder if he will be found out? He is a college professor and is going to Maine to pose as an Amish man, wow, well considering he is fluent in German, but it would seem hard to be something he isn't, but we get to see him give it a try and also find the coins to help his brother.
We also meet Rose who is trying to put her own life back together, and it seems is a talented backer and cook. We also are there when these two meet, and it wasn't pretty, but I did have a few chuckles.
This is a sweet read, and you will have to get the book to see how it all comes out, and if these two people from different world can form any type of relationship!
You will be quickly page turning for answers here, and when the last page was turned I found myself wanting more!
I received this book through Harlequin Love Inspired Tour, and was not required to give a positive review.


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