Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Rosanna's Gift by Susan Lantz Simpson

n Southern Maryland's serene Amish country, one young woman's life is changed by an unexpected request . . .

"She's yours." Until now, Rosanna Mast's hopes for the future have all revolved around handsome Henry Zook. But when a young Englisch girl places her newborn daughter in Rosanna's arms and utters those words, shock quickly turns to fierce, protective devotion. Between helping her midwife mamm and caring for her own siblings, Rosanna has plenty of experience with babies. And who wouldn't love a sweet-natured boppli like little Mollie? Yet to her dismay, Henry has no intention of ever taking on another man's child. Instead, it is steady, thoughtful Paul Hertzler who becomes Rosanna's staunch supporter.

Paul knows he should have acted sooner on his feelings for Rosanna. Now, as her dream of adopting Mollie meets unexpected hurdles, he sees a way to help. Rosanna would do anything to keep baby Mollie--perhaps even agree to marriage. But will Rosanna continue to hold him at arm's length, or see that he longs to offer her the love and family she deserves?


About The Author

Susan Lantz Simpson has been writing stories and poetry ever since she penned her first poem at the age of six. She has always loved the magic of words and how they can entertain and enlighten others. Her love of words led her to earn a degree in English/Education from St. Mary's College of Maryland in St. Mary's City, Maryland. She has taught students from pre-kindergarten to high school and has also worked as an editor for the federal government. She also holds a degree in nursing from the University of Maryland at Baltimore and has worked in hospitals and in community health. She writes inspirational stories of love and faith and has published a middle grade novel (Ginger and the Bully). She lives in Southern Maryland and is the mother of two wonderful daughters. She's also a member of ACFW. When not writing, she enjoys reading, walking, and doing needlework. 

My Review

I enjoyed this read, especially after reading a really heavy heart in your throat, this one is sweet, and almost unimaginable, but then!
Made me think how desperate this young mother had to be, but as the story unfolds, you begin to understand her reasoning,
Will Ms. Kane succeed? Will Roseanna see what is before her eyes, or pine for what she thinks she wants? Her Amish training takes in as she has been taking care of little ones almost her whole life [being the eldest daughter] and now a midwife.
Come along and see how this all works out, maybe not how you thing!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

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