Monday, May 13, 2019

Write Now Literary Presents: Flying Solo by J. K. Weller

Write Now Literary is pleased to be organizing a one-week book tour for Flying Solo by J. K. Weller. The book tour will run May 13-17, 2019. Book a tour here.
Genre: YA Christian Fiction
ISBN-10: 1950685004
ISBN-13: 978-1950685004
                                                               MEET J. K. WELLER
J. K. Weller has been involved in a variety of occupations spanning the years of his lengthy work life. From the days when he lived aboard a US Navy submarine to when he taught at a Christian University in Oregon, his experiences gave him a special view of life and of following God on a daily basis. He and his wife lived in Brazil for a few years as part of their service as missionaries helping to share about God's love for all people. Employed as a part-time flight instructor for several years provided exciting experiences he enjoys sharing. Flying Solo incorporates some of the adventurous happenings while he was instructing others to fly, but the story is mainly pure fiction. He and his wife now reside in Mesa, Arizona.
Scheduled to receive his aeronautical engineering degree in a few months, Chris is determined to gain a career in aviation as an airline pilot. Then tragedy strikes and every part of his life is changed, including his relationship with the woman he loves. 
Chris desperately needs explanations. Somehow, he finds some answers in the midst of chaos. He learns that difficulty can be a good teacher, but that suffering is often the best teacher.
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                                   AMAZON        BARNES & NOBLE
The stall-warning horn soon blared in his ear as the airspeed dropped. With the plane in this position, it could easily enter a spin. He’d read many reports of airplanes spinning into the ground, killing all on board.
It’s about to happen; keep your feet ready on the rudder pedals and your hands light on the wheel. Be ready to level out the airplane if a wing starts to drop. Rapidly, the left wing dropped below the horizon. I’m gonna lose control of this bird if I don’t do this right! He pushed the yoke forward to get the airplane’s nose well below the horizon and rolled the control wheel right to try to level the wings. It seemed like an eternity before the plane responded to his attempt but respond it did and began flying again. A whew escaped as he exhaled. His soaked shirt clung to him.
“Let’s head back to the airport,” was all Thomas said. He didn’t say a word about what had just happened. Not a good sign. All of the study, effort, and money I’ve put into this, and now to blow it on the last thing the examiner asked me to perform . . . well, it doesn’t feel right. Had he just blown his chance at getting his pilot's license?
You’ll smile, gasp, and shed some tears. In the end, you’ll find hope.

Wednesday, May 8
Diamond World
Call in # (845) 277-9218
Host: Diane Rembert
8:30 PM EST
Tuesday, May 14
Hope in Christ-The Book Review Radio Show
Call in # (712) 770-4010
Access code 2912231
Host: Denise Walker
7:30 PM EST
Thursday, May 23
Fast Life On The Move
Host Tivona Elliott- Clark
Call in # 563) 999-3443
8:00 PM PST (2 hr. show)
Tuesday, June 18
Write Stuff Radio
Host: Parker J Cole
Call in # (646) 668-8485
7:00 PM EST
Saturday, June 29
So Real with Madalynn
Host: Madalyn Bass
Call in # (347) 326 9924
5:30 PM CST

1 comment:

  1. First of all, a big THANK YOU to Maureen for presenting this blog about my soon-to-be-released book, Flying Solo. It'll be available May 21, and is available for preorder now on and Amazon.

    * * *

    I’m sometimes asked “So, what caused you to write a novel?” It’s a good question and I wish I had an equally good response—but I don’t. For me it has resembled life in that the decision and the process was messy, taking lots of time to finally resolve to make it become reality.

    I hear lots of people say things like they just always wanted to write, that it was in their bones and they couldn’t not write. Again, that wasn’t in my history. In fact, I was sure that I couldn’t write, that I didn’t have what it took to write anything in a way that others would desire to read it. Though raised in a wholesome, Christian family environment, encouragement to excel academically just wasn’t a top concern. I say that with no sense of malice about it as a fact of life. It’s just what it was. I knew I was valued and whatever I wanted to choose to do in life would likely be okay.

    I’ve read authors who express how they read certain stories or pieces of classical literature, and they were hooked; they had to write. Again, that wasn’t my situation. Or that they had a high school teacher who motivated them in ways that made it impossible for them to do anything other than to settle on a life of writing. Guess I didn’t get that teacher.

    Instead I went merrily on my way through life, tackling each challenge as it came along, satisfied with doing the best I could with each opportunity presenting itself to me. I was fully enjoying the variety of things I was doing in life and saw no reason to need to document any of it. Quite frankly, writing an autobiography felt like arrogance—what had I done that could possibly be of interest to others? Certainly they wouldn’t want to read an autobio about me.

    And then people started asking me about the various things I’ve done in life, suggesting that indeed, I should write some of it down. Considering that, I thought perhaps I could write a novel loosely based on the events in my life that would record bits of my life’s happenings without needing to be totally accurate about how those things played out. And that was the key for me to get started in writing. I take one or more elements from my life and build a fictional story line around that happening. Now, that’s what it took to get me excited about writing. Using something I have experienced as the nugget to build a story around is motivating! I won’t always reveal the elements that are part of my personal history, but know that anything I write will be based in part on my life experiences.

    What are your writing experiences like? Please share with me about what you write and why. Thanks, jim.


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