Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Amish Brides by Jennifer Beckstrand, Molly Jebber, Amy Lillard

Under bright blue skies, wedding bells ring--fulfilling sweet dreams, impossible wishes, and joyous new beginnings . . . THE RELUCTANT GROOM
Jennifer Beckstrand
Spirited Suvie Newswenger has three marriage proposals--but not from the man she truly loves. No matter how lonely widower Aaron Beachy is, he seems determined to stay that way forever. Now, with help from his matchmaking great-grandparents, Suvie will do whatever it takes to rekindle Aaron's hope--and spark happiness for a lifetime.
Molly Jebber
Madeline Lehman fears her fiance's family will never accept her because of her rebellious sister. She's postponed her wedding to Joshua Stutzman until they see the truth. But when Maddie adopts her sister's abandoned baby, can she and Joshua find a way to unite their families through forgiveness as well as love?
Amy LillardReba Schmucker longs to be a bride. And she knows her mischievous nieces just wanted to help when they "chose" Abel Weaver for her. But he's the last man in the world she'd ever marry. There's no way her independence and his stubbornness could ever get along--unless a sudden crisis somehow leads to understanding . . . and love.

About The Authors

Jennifer Beckstrand

I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life and now write Inspirational Amish Romance. I am drawn to the strong faith of the Plain people and admire the importance they put on enduring family ties. I have visited and studied Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where I met with a bishop and a minister as well as several Amish mamms, dats, and children. It has always impressed me at what salt-of-the-earth people they are. My interactions with these kind people have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a dear Amish friend with whom I correspond in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She helps me keep my facts straight and gives me inspiration for my stories.
My goal is to write uplifting, inspiring stories with happy endings and hopeful messages. If my books make readers want to give themselves a big hug or jump up and down for joy, I’ve done my job. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers and am represented by Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.

Molly Jebber

Why Amish Inspirational Romance?
I love their dedication to serve God. I visited Amish Country in Ohio many times. They work hard and have such a close knit friendship with each other. It’s heartwarming and uplifting. At the same time, they face hardships and difficult problems just like we do.

God answered my prayers and gave me the best mentor, author, and friend, Patricia Campbell, to hone my skills. I’m blessed to have Dawn Dowdle as my agent, and John S. from Kensington as my editor.

I’m thank for you, the reader, for being interested in my book!

I’d love to hear from you. www.mollyjebber.com

Amy Lillard

I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop. 

My Review
As soon as I turned the cover I knew I was in for a delightful treat, and while I tried to hold back and savor, I couldn’t stop page turning.
Jennifer Beckstrand
I have just finished reading “Returning To Huckleberry Hill” and as always I started to miss the beloved Grandparent’s Annie and Felty, and low and behold they are back here. This time one of their great grandsons is hurting, it has been three years since his beloved Mary passed away, and he is still grieving like it was yesterday.
Along comes spunky Suvie, she has had her eye on him, and she gets Annie and Felty’s help with Aaron, and of course our Anne is willing to make some delicious meals for her grandson.
Watch as Suvie starts to bring Aaron back to life, but will he continue on the road of the living, or as Mary’s mother wants, stay in mourning?
There are so many cute parts of this book, I wanted more, and Annie and Felty have a lot more grand’s in need.

Joshua’s Bride goes back to the early Amish settlement in Pennsylvania, and though the Amish are much more strict in their beliefs, this group seems very severe.
Joshua is madly in love with Madeline, but because her sister went English she is being judged by her sister’s actions. It is almost liked she is being shunned, but hasn’t done anything wrong.
She is one amazing woman, and Joshua may have trouble getting her to marry him, she doesn’t want to go against his parents. Wait and see what happens, and it is going to warm your heart.

The last story A SUMMER WEDDING IN PARADISE is so sweet and enjoyable, and we get a word fashion show by teacher Reba. We also see this girl in one bit of a mess when she shows up at her school, she was run off the road, now she was walking, and landed in a ditch full of water. She now has mud all over her, dripping water, and is limping, and then the deed doer shows up at the school to fix the roof.
Abel Weaver is in for a treat when Reba’s nieces are at it again in their matchmaking, and we get a front seat, and be ready for a few chuckles. Things do start looking up for this pair, but then an old love reappears, ugh.
Now you are going to have to pick up this book to find the answers, and they are all here. Enjoy!!
I received this book through Net Galley and Kensington Books, and was not required to give a positive review.


Return to Huckleberry Hill (The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill #7) by Jennifer Beckstrand

When it comes to matchmaking, Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin’s unstoppable octogenarians Anna and Felty Helmuth never seem to run out of opportunities—or grandchildren...

Reuben Helmuth is plenty bitter. John King, his best friend—or so he thought—is engaged to the girl Reuben loved. Humiliated, Reuben flees from Ohio to his grandparents’ home on Huckleberry Hill, where he knows he’ll find comfort. He’s enjoying wallowing in his misery—until John’s sister, Fern, shows up. She won’t stop pestering Reuben about forgiveness—or trying to help him find love again. Yet Fern's efforts only reawaken Reuben’s long-buried feelings—for her…

With her brother too ashamed to face Reuben, it’s fallen to Fern to help mend fences. But as she and the Helmuths do all they can—even organizing a knitting club event filled with eligible girls—it may take one more challenge to inspire Reuben to forget his heartache, recognize his own blunders, and embrace the true love that’s right in front of him.


About The Author

I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life and now write Inspirational Amish Romance. I am drawn to the strong faith of the Plain people and admire the importance they put on enduring family ties. I have visited and studied Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where I met with a bishop and a minister as well as several Amish mamms, dats, and children. It has always impressed me at what salt-of-the-earth people they are. My interactions with these kind people have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a dear Amish friend with whom I correspond in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She helps me keep my facts straight and gives me inspiration for my stories.
My goal is to write uplifting, inspiring stories with happy endings and hopeful messages. If my books make readers want to give themselves a big hug or jump up and down for joy, I’ve done my job. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers and am represented by Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.


My Review

We are back with two of my favorite people, Annie and Felty, the wonderful Amish grandparents, who feel that in their senior age need to find their grandchildren the right spouse.
This time their grandson Reuben is in need, and worse of all he feels he has been betrayed by his fiancé and his best friend, and is now at his grandparents for recuperation.
Feeling she needs to help with his healing, his friends sister Fern, has arrived in Huckleberry Hill to be there for Reuben, and help him learn to forgive.
The theme of this story is about forgiveness, and some find it easy and others find it next to impossible. We are offered different scenarios and each individual is very different
Parts of the story I found to be predictable, and others were taking a bit long to get to the acceptable conclusion. I did have a great deal of compassion for Fern, wow what a gutsy girl, and all heart.
Will Reuben wake up and see what is in front of his eyes, and will our loveable grandparents be able to help him, answers are waiting.

I received this book through Net Galley and the publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim

Mattie was never truly mine. That knowledge must have filled me as quickly and surely as the milk from her breasts. Although my family ‘owned’ her, although she occupied the center of my universe, her deepest affections lay elsewhere. So along with the comfort of her came the fear that I would lose her some day. This is our story...

So begins Lisbeth Wainwright’s compelling tale of coming-of-age in antebellum Virginia. Born to white plantation owners but raised by her enslaved black wet nurse, Mattie, Lisbeth’s childhood unfolds on the line between two very different worlds.

Growing up under the tender care of Mattie, Lisbeth adopts her surrogate mother’s deep-seated faith in God, her love of music and black-eyed peas, and the tradition of hunting for yellow crocuses in the early days of spring. In time, Lisbeth realizes she has freedoms and opportunities that Mattie does not have, though she’s confined by the societal expectations placed on women born to privilege. As Lisbeth grows up, she struggles to reconcile her love for her caregiver with her parents’ expectations, a task made all the more difficult as she becomes increasingly aware of the ugly realities of the American slavery system. When Lisbeth bears witness to a shockingly brutal act, the final vestiges of her naiveté crumble around her. Lisbeth realizes she must make a choice, one that will require every ounce of the courage she learned from her beloved Mattie.

This compelling historical novel is a richly evocative tale of love, loss, and redemption set during one of the most sinister chapters of American history.


About The Author

Laila Ibrahim grew up in Whittier, California on the eastern edge of Los Angeles County, and moved to Oakland, California to attend Mills College where she studied Psychology and Child Development. After getting a Master's Degree in Human Development, she realized she wanted to do more hands on work with children, and opened up her own preschool: Woolsey Children's School. Her education and experiences as an educator and parent provide ample for her writing – especially her study of Attachment Theory and multiculturalism.

Laila self-published Yellow Crocus in 2011 after agents repeatedly told her that no one would want to read a story about the love between an enslaved black woman and her privileged white charge. Over the years the readers have proven them wrong.  She became a full-time writer in 2015.

She loves calling or Skyping into bookclubs and public speaking.  She can be contacted at ldibrahim@gmail.com.

My Review

The Yellow Crocus held my attention and quickly became a page-turner, and I read it in one sitting.
A look at a sad time in our history, but it happened and we put faces to this brutality, first with Mattie, born a slave, and Lisabeth, daughter of the slave owner. I felt Mattie saved Lisabeth in more ways than one, and I can think of at least three instances she did save her life.
The author did a wonderful job presenting these strong women, and Lisabeth is strong because of Mattie, and we get to watch her bloom.
I will warn you once you pick this up you better open up time, because you won’t be able to put it down.
I received this book through Net Galley and Flaming Chalice Press and was not required to give a positive review.  

Friday, May 26, 2017

Driver Confessional (Driver #1) by David L. Winters

Seat belts are recommended if you’re going to open David Winters’ new book, Driver Confessional. Join Antonio, a ride-share driver who winds through the streets of Washington, D.C. in search of his next fare to support his young family and pay law school expenses. His easy manner and Italian good looks lead passengers to disclose a bit more than they intended. On her way to a midnight meeting in a Senate office building, a mysterious woman and her confession plunge Antonio and his police detective brother into international espionage, the Russian mob and corporate excess. Clues add up to danger and car chases pile up on ethical dilemmas.

Ride share driver Antonio cruises the streets of Washington, D.C. looking for his next fare.
He has an unusual gift for relaxing his customers and stimulating their desire to reveal more than they planned. By the completion of their ride, many feel so comfortable that they confess their sins great and small. Antonio’s faith guides his discussions and points him in new directions. Suddenly, his peaceful world is turned upside down by a mysterious business woman. As she heads to a midnight rendezvous, she confesses more than Antonio can handle. Her story sends him into a world of espionage, international terrorism and danger.
Learn more and purchase a copy.

 About The Author
David Winters

David L Winters is an award-winning author, humorist and speaker, originally from Ohio, who lives in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. His first book, “Sabbatical of the Mind: The Journey from Anxiety to Peace,” won several awards including a Silver Illumination Award from the Jenkins Group and two Finalist Medals from the Next Generation Indies Book Awards.
Find out more about David at http://www.sabbaticalofthemind.net.

My Review

This book is a very quick read, two hundred pages, and a lot of action is packed in these pages, including some murders.
The premise of the story has a lot going for it, and the danger seems very real, and the author has done a great job of bringing the word of God to each who will listen. This is a very Christian book, and yes I loved how this aspect was woven into the story, but at times I wondered if this would really happen in real life?
This is a family oriented book, and you will love how the interaction is shown, they are there for one another. You could see where the bad guys could use that to their advantage, but will their love of God and family prevail.
I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Threads of Suspicion (Evie Blackwell Cold Case #2) by Dee Henderson

ee Henderson Pens Another Compelling Cold Case Mystery
Evie Blackwell's reputation as a top investigator for the Illinois State Police has landed her an appointment to the governor's new Missing Persons Task Force. This elite investigative team is launched with plenty of public fanfare. The governor has made this initiative a high priority, so they will have to produce results--and quickly.

Evie and her new partner, David Marshal, are assigned to a pair of unrelated cases in suburban Chicago, and while both involve persons now missing for several years, the cases couldn't be more different. While Evie opens old wounds in a close-knit neighborhood to find a missing college student, David searches for a private investigator working for a high-powered client.

With a deep conviction that "justice for all" truly matters, Evie and David are unrelenting in their search for the truth. But Evie must also find answers to the questions that lie just beneath the surface in her personal life.

About The Author

Dee Henderson is the author of numerous novels, including Taken, Undetected, Unspoken, Full Disclosure, and the acclaimed O'Malley and Uncommon Heroes series. Her books have won or been nominated for several prestigious industry awards, such as the RITA Award, the Christy Award, and the ECPA Gold Medallion. Dee is a lifelong resident of Illinois. Learn more at www.deehenderson.com.

My Review

Loved being back in Evie Blackwell’s life, I’ve come to admire this girl, and this book doesn’t disappoint.
If I had a missing loved one, I would sure want my Governor to put his recourses into find answers, and that is exactly what Evie and her task force are doing.
Evie and her partner David Marshall are placed together and bounce their cases off of each other. I would have love being in that office. These two have a lot more than law in their corner; they both have a deep faith in God, and share this with others.
Evie case revolves around a missing college coed and David’s is a missing PI, and you are going to be surprised how one case helps solve another, and how their personal lives become intertwined.
I hope we will be back again soon and help bring hope back to grieving families and friends.

I received this book through Bethany House’s Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sister Sister by Sue Fortin

Alice: Beautiful, kind, manipulative, liar.
Clare: Intelligent, loyal, paranoid, jealous.
Clare thinks Alice is a manipulative liar who is trying to steal her life.
Alice thinks Clare is jealous of her long-lost return and place in their family.
One of them is telling the truth. The other is a maniac.
Two sisters. One truth.

About The Author

I am a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, having come through their New Writers’ Scheme, and a part of the online writing group The Romaniacs who all met through the NWS. I am also a member of the Crime Writers’ Association.

Lover of cake, Dragonflies and France. Hater of calories, maths and snakes. I was born in Hertfordshire but had a nomadic childhood, moving often with my family, before eventually settling in West Sussex.

I am married with four children, all of whom patiently give me time to write but, when not behind the keyboard, I like to spend time with them, enjoying both the coast and the South Downs between which we are nestled.


My Review

From the moment I turned the first page I was hooked, and trying to figure out just what was going on here. A real roller coaster ride for sure, and you don’t know who is telling the truth or what is going to happen next, or who will end up surviving.
A tale that is powerful, a bond between sisters, and yet one has not been seen by the other for years, and the date of her leaving is just around the corner as the book opens. I cannot imagine not having my sisters in my life, or my father taking my sister and not me, the ultimate form of rejection.
This is a story of healing, but at a great cost, and you will wonder who is paranoid and who is lying, and how to sort it all out. What you see here isn’t what you get, in more ways than one, and right until the last page, when the last shoe is dropped, your heart is going to be in your throat.
A thriller for sure, a mystery yes, a page-turner, and full of suspense, and betrayal, a real don’t miss read!

I received this book through Ededweiss and HarperCollins Publishers, and was not required to give a positive review.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Write Now Literary Presents: The Bread of the Servant by Elizabeth G. Honaker

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Sense to Believe, a Christian Drama Play by Elizabeth G. Honaker, April 24-28, 2017.     

Genre: Christian Drama Play
ISBN-10: 1508655707
ISBN-13: 978-1508655701

Author the Author  

Elizabeth Golibart Honaker hails from Sparta, Tennessee, where she teaches writing support and English at Motlow Community College. Her undergraduate degree is in Liberal Arts, and her first MA is in Theology. This has given her the breadth and scope to write over fifteen full-length passion plays in the last twenty years – seven of which are in print with others being prepared for publication – as well as dozens of shorter scripts, short stories, and poems on Christian topics. Her first historical fiction novel, Come Before Winter, was published in 2014. In that same year, she completed her second MA in English and Creative Writing (Fiction) at Southern New Hampshire University.
When she is not writing or tutoring, she spends her time devising new home projects for Allen, her husband of 45 years. She also enjoys communicating with her two wonderful grown children and buying (and making) trinkets for her four lively grandchildren. She is passionate about sharing Christ, missional activities, and her local church. She also loves gardening, sewing, piano playing, and Star Trek as time permits.

 About The Book

The Bread of the Servant: An Easter Play in Four Acts. This script was written to serve a small church drama group with a big heart for witnessing. There are speaking roles for 27 actors, and several non-speaking parts, but it can be performed with fewer actors if need be. Scenery does not have to be elaborate, but two defined performance areas are needed. Stage lighting is also an important element, but it can be fixed or portable. The play centers around the Apostle John in his old age, attempting to explain to Diana, a bitter, jaded slave woman, the life-changing impact Jesus can have on an open heart. John recalls for Diana the events of the Lord's earthly ministry, explaining his own transformation from a headstrong young fisherman into a more spiritually mature man longing to serve his Beloved Master.

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Who Counts?: 100 Sheep, 10 Coins, and 2 Sons by Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Margaux Meganck (Illustrator)

Oh, no! The man is missing his sheep! The woman is missing her coin! The father is missing his son! Can you help them find what they are looking for?

Who Counts? is a creative retelling of three of Jesus' most popular parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. As young readers count to help the characters find what's missing, Who Counts? teaches that every one of us counts in God's eyes and that everyone should feel counted.

The stories are beautifully illustrated with modern-day characters and a diversity of ethnicities so that all children will be able to see themselves in the stories. Ideal for children ages 4-8. Includes a note for parents and teachers.

About The Authors

Amy-Jill Levine is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament Studies, and Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Science in Nashville, Tennessee; Affiliated Professor at the Centre for the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations at Cambridge; and a self-described "Yankee Jewish feminist who teaches in a predominantly Christian divinity school in the buckle of the Bible Belt." She is the author of The Misunderstood Jew, The Meaning of the Bible (coauthored with Douglas Knight), and the editor of The Jewish Annotated New Testament.

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso teaches Religion and Judaism at Butler University and Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. She serves on the board of advisors of Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis; the board of directors for the Julian Center, an agency providing support and counseling services to victims of domestic violence; the Indiana Humanities Council; and the Patachou Foundation. She is a member of the Lake Family Institute Advisory Board and past chair of the Spirit and Place Advisory Board—the annual festival celebrating the Arts, Religion, and Humanities. Rabbi Sandy also edited Urban Tapestry, Indianapolis Stories, and she and her husband, Dennis write a monthly column in The Indianapolis Star.


My Review

The first story is about a man who has 100 sheep, and looses one, and now his may concern is finding the lost one. The next is about a woman with 100 coins, and then looses one, and the rest of the story is her pursuit of finding the lost coin. As we get to the last story about the man’s lost son returning, we sort of see how loosing one, makes you yearn for its return and thus the man’s rejoicing for the returned one.
What the perfect book examples of the parables, while geared to children ages 4 to 8, older and younger would still benefit.
The story of the Prodigal Son is always a difficult one, but with the showing of how a person yearns for the lost one, it becomes much more clear for little minds, and maybe adult ones.
I received this book through LibraryThing, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Write Now Literary Presents: Every Place Virtual Book Tour by Philonda C. Johnson

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce Every Place by Philonda Johnson, Virtual Book Tour May 15-26, 2017.
Genre: Christian, Business
Book Release: March 31, 2017

Philonda Johnson is the dynamic combination of successful entrepreneur and engaging speaker with valuable insight to share. Her mission is to help others fight for their MasterPurpose by empowering them to realize their Divine value and need for faith-fueled courage. She is the Founder and CEO of The Leadership Playground, a development company that focuses on kick-starting the growth of a leader by focusing on the power of play, creativity and wholehearted living. She often draws from her background in Psychology and a decade of experience as an urban educator to inspire her coaching and leadership work. Philonda’s employment expertise is derived from serving 9 years as the Founding Principal of a successful charter school in Washington, DC. Philonda has a deep heart for and is dedicated to advancing women of color leaders, spirit-led entrepreneurs, and school administrators. Philonda hosts her own motivational online radio show and podcast, The Audacity to Shine with Coach Philonda, and Every Place on her newly launched Network, the Brave Entrepreneur Radio Network. She is excited for the release her first major book, Every Place: When our intimacy with God transforms how we experience fear and launch our MasterPurpose Business. Philonda’s book will be released March 31st, 2017. She incorporates her professional expertise, personal trials and life triumphs into every presentation and conversation to have a transformational impact. She can connect with and inspire her audience. Philonda can weave her training goals into a beautiful story that makes key concepts sticky and actionable. Her energetic and audacious approach is refreshing, honest and leaves the audience ready to achieve their goals. Her mission is to help others fight for their MasterPurpose by empowering them to realize their Divine value and need for faith-fueled courage.

Every Place isn’t your typical book about entrepreneurship. It is Philonda’s beautiful and intimate testimony of how she overcame fear, developed a deeper relationship with God, uncovered her Master Purpose and transformed as a leader in her business. Every Place provides an exciting roadmap for Christian entrepreneurs who desire to design, build and launch their business God’s Way. Using the Biblical character Joshua’s legacy as a leader, readers will learn the essential tools and strategies required to experience breakthroughs and success in your Christ-centered business. Philonda pushes Christian entrepreneurs to be audacious and to S.L.A.Y. in their business: Seek God, Love God, Act for God and Yield Fruit for God. This book was written in honor of every brave entrepreneur that has struggled to find their Divine purpose and launch a business in alignment with their dreams. This book was written for you.


You made it---you finally made it! You are the guest of honor at the fabulous bash thrown to celebrate the audacious decision you’ve made to pursue a life of abundance, power and liberty. When it comes to getting what you want out of life, the single most important thing to know is that God has already blessed your path. Joshua 1:3 says, “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.” (NLT) Now, with the realization of this beautiful promise, all you must do is choose. Choose to construct a masterpiece life built on a deep understanding of the God you serve and your Divine purpose. I love to call this your MasterPurpose. Clarity about your MasterPurpose will impact how you will show up in the world and leave your mark as an Entrepreneur. 
When you decide to step out of your own way and into beautiful alignment with your MasterPurpose, all things are possible. This is a brave c hoice and not for the scared, timid or weak leader. It is a declaration to the world that you believe your life, purpose, message and talents are worth fighting for. To reach our fullest potential, we must train ourselves to have an audacious mindset, which frames how we perceive and respond to situations especially adversity. An audacious mindset is the defining factor between experiencing a life of abundance or scarcity. Remaining connected to your MasterPurpose requires a shift in your thinking and actions. It requires a deep and intimate relationship with God.
I yearn to be close and in the presence of God. The battle wounds and scars of life have taught me one important lesson. As I have matured as a believer, I have learned that I am nothing without an intimate relationship with my creator. For in his presence, all things are made new. More specifically, in his presence all believers have access to God’s peace, love, mercy and wisdom. Our close relationship with God activates our MasterPurpose, the Divine plan for our life. He shows us the desires of His heart for us and is the source of our own ambition. He inspires us to dream big and desire radical success in every area and level of our lives. Your MasterPurpose could be a ministry, an entrepreneurial venture, a book, a family or even a school. Your MasterPurpose births your entrepreneurial venture. It could be a book, a clothing company, a law practice or even a school. It is the idea you believe God has commissioned you to lead to benefit His people. We all have been called to be leaders of faith entrusted with an assignment to fulfill while here on Earth.


Author Website

Tour hosted by Write Now Literary

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Catching the Wind by Melanie Dobson

What happened to Brigitte Berthold?

That question has haunted Daniel Knight since he was thirteen, when he and ten-year-old Brigitte escaped the Gestapo agents who arrested both their parents. They survived a harrowing journey from Germany to England, only to be separated upon their arrival. Daniel vowed to find Brigitte after the war, a promise he has fought to fulfill for more than seventy years.

Now a wealthy old man, Daniel's final hope in finding Brigitte rests with Quenby Vaughn, an American journalist working in London. He believes Quenby's tenacity to find missing people and her personal investment in a related WWII espionage story will help her succeed where previous investigators have failed. Though Quenby is wrestling her own demons--and wary at the idea of teaming up with Daniel's lawyer, Lucas Hough--the lure of Brigitte's story is too much to resist. Together, Quenby and Lucas delve deep into the past, following a trail of deception, sacrifice, and healing that could change all of their futures.

About The Author

Writing novels is a fun excuse for Melanie to explore ghost towns and old houses, travel to unusual places, and spend hours reading dusty books and journals. She writes both contemporary and historical fiction with threads of romance and suspense.

Melanie is the award-winning author of sixteen historical romance, suspense, and contemporary novels including Catching the Wind, Beneath a Golden Veil, and The Silent Order. Three of her novels including Chateau of Secrets have won Carol Awards, and Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana won Best Novel of Indiana.

Melanie and her husband, Jon, have two daughters. After moving numerous times with Jon's work, the Dobsons have finally settled near Portland, Oregon, and they love to travel and hike in both the mountains and the cliffs above the Pacific. When Melanie isn't writing or researching, she enjoys line dancing, biking, and making up stories with her kids.

More information about her and her books is available on her website at www.melaniedobson.com.

My Review

This book is so good that once you turn the final page there is a whole sense of loss, a dear friend I wanted to spend more time with is now gone.
The story begins in Germany and the world is at war, and we see a normal situation, children playing, but alas a split second later they are on the run for their lives, and then we span decades before the story is concluded.
Right from the beginning I found myself wishing for a romance between journalist Quenby and Lucas, and there is a bit, but then that is not the main theme of this story. In fact we do have a big of everything, including espionage, and when we circle part of the world looking for clues, we soon find the world is not that large.
Come and root for Dietmar and Brigitte and the journey of their lives and survival.
I received this book through Net Galley and Tyndale House Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Mrs. Odboddy Undercover Courier Giveaway & Review

Mrs. Odboddy: Undercover Courier by Elaine Faber


Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Elk Grove Publications (February 8, 2017) Print Length: 199 pages ASIN: B06WCZMFGN 

Asked to accompany Mrs. Roosevelt on her Pacific Island tour, Agnes and Katherine travel by train to Washington, D.C. Agnes carries a package for Colonel Farthingworth to President Roosevelt.
Convinced the package contains secret war documents, Agnes expects Nazi spies to try and derail her mission.
She meets Irving, whose wife mysteriously disappears from the train; Nanny, the unfeeling caregiver to little Madeline; two soldiers bound for training as Tuskegee airmen; and Charles, the shell-shocked veteran, who lends an unexpected helping hand. Who will Agnes trust? Who is the Nazi spy?
When enemy forces make a final attempt to steal the package in Washington, D.C., Agnes must accept her own vulnerability as a warrior on the home front.
Can Agnes overcome multiple obstacles, deliver the package to the President, and still meet Mrs. Roosevelt’s plane before she leaves for the Pacific Islands?
Mrs. Odboddy: Undercover Courier is a hysterical frolic on a train across the United States during WWII, as Agnes embarks on this critical mission.

About The Author –
Elaine is a member of Sisters in Crime, Inspire Christian Writers and Cat Writers Association. She lives in No. Calif with her husband and four house cats (the inspiration for her three humorous cozy cat mysteries, Black Cat’s Legacy, Black Cat and the Lethal Lawyer, and Black Cat and the Accidental Angel).

Mrs. Odboddys character is based in no way on Elaines quirky personality. Two more Mrs. Odboddy adventures will publish in the near future. Many of Elaines short stories have appeared in magazines and multiple anthologies.

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Tour Participants  
May 17 – Maureen's Musings - REVIEW
May 17 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT  
May 18 – Socrates' Book Reviews - REVIEW  
May 18 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY  
May 19 – Laura's Interests - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST  
May 19 – Books,Dreams,Life – SPOTLIGHT  
May 20 – StoreyBook Reviews - GUEST POST  
May 21 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW  
May 22 – Books Direct - INTERVIEW  
May 23 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW  
May 23 – Cozy Up With Kathy - GUEST POST  
May 24 – Island Confidential - CHARACTER INTERVIEW  
May 24 – Author Annette Drake's blog – INTERVIEW  
May 25 – Bibliophile Reviews - REVIEW, GUEST POST, GIVEAWAY
May 26 – Back Porchervations – REVIEW

My Review

This book is a hoot, wait until you get to the names of some of the characters, Mrs. Whistlemeyer, a rooster, Chief Waddlemucker, the police, and of course Odboddy for a started, are just a couple, full of chuckles.
This is the first book in this series that I have read, but it won’t be the last, full of history, and with a bit of suspense, and always with a laugh.
We learn again about the Jim Crow laws, how we forget things, we also find out things about FBI Director Hoover, and we get to visit the White House and see Fala.
Wait until you find out what is in the package that our Agnes risks her life for, and boy does she do that. We travel across country on a train, and experience all the trials and fun of sleeping and eating and life on the rails. Mrs. Odboddy has more than the normal and even becomes a hobo, but will she make it to Washington, D.C. with her important package and then on to her mission?
A real joy and page-turner, and can’t wait for the next installment.
I received this book through Great Escapes Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda

n the masterful follow-up to the runaway hit All the Missing Girls, a journalist sets out to find a missing friend, a friend who may never have existed at all.

Confronted by a restraining order and the threat of a lawsuit, failed journalist Leah Stevens needs to get out of Boston when she runs into an old friend, Emmy Grey, who has just left a troubled relationship. Emmy proposes they move to rural Pennsylvania, where Leah can get a teaching position and both women can start again. But their new start is threatened when a woman with an eerie resemblance to Leah is assaulted by the lake, and Emmy disappears days later.

Determined to find Emmy, Leah cooperates with Kyle Donovan, a handsome young police officer on the case. As they investigate her friend’s life for clues, Leah begins to wonder: did she ever really know Emmy at all? With no friends, family, or a digital footprint, the police begin to suspect that there is no Emmy Grey. Soon Leah’s credibility is at stake, and she is forced to revisit her past: the article that ruined her career. To save herself, Leah must uncover the truth about Emmy Grey—and along the way, confront her old demons, find out who she can really trust, and clear her own name.

Everyone in this rural Pennsylvanian town has something to hide—including Leah herself. How do you uncover the truth when you are busy hiding your own?


About The Author

Megan Miranda is the New York Times bestselling author of ALL THE MISSING GIRLS. She has also written several books for young adults, including FRACTURE, HYSTERIA, VENGEANCE, SOULPRINT, and THE SAFEST LIES. She grew up in New Jersey, graduated from MIT, and lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children. THE PERFECT STRANGER (4/11/17) is her second novel of psychological suspense.
Follow @MeganLMiranda on Twitter and Instagram, or @AuthorMeganMiranda on Facebook.

My Review

What a ride your about to begin as you turn the first page of this suspenseful book, from the first to almost the last you will wonder what is going on.
Your long lost friend shows up just when you need her, and an offer to begin anew, and you accept, but before this book is finished I had to wonder if there was such a friend. Even when we travel in the shoes of Leah Stevens, Journalist turned teacher, and when she reports her roommate missing, there is no one there, or is there.
As we find out what brought her to rural Pennsylvania from Boston, and all that happened there, and now what, no record exists, no fingerprint trail, what is going on, and just when you think you know the answers, don’t be to sure.
I loved that there is a bit of romance for this tormented soul, but even this you have to wonder if it is really real.
A don’t miss journey that once you crack the first page your hooked on finding the answers, full of surprises.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Simon and Schuster, and was not required to give a positive review. 

Celebrate Lit Presents: Forgotten Identity Author: Penny Zeller

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