Monday, August 26, 2013

Want Some Free Books? Blogger Opportunity

Blogger Opp
If you're a book reviewer or a blogger who loves to read, Beck Valley Books are currently looking for more reviewers for their book tours online.

So how does it work?

You select which book tours you would like to take part in, then choose your tour date from the list provided and the book is sent to you!

The blog post HTML is sent to you before the tour begins and you simply add your review to it.  Post your blog post on your chosen date, share it and send over your links.  They will also promote your blog post for you over social media.

At the end of the tour they nearly always have a giveaway, which 2 of your social media links are included on the raffle copter,  the giveaway post HTML for your blog is sent to you to promote on your blog and social media when it's starts.


What's more your getting a chance to read some great books, helping up and coming authors as well as gaining extra exposure on your blog.

So if  you love to read, love to share your reading thoughts and can you be relied upon they need you !!

I'm one of their reviewers myself and we have a friendly Facebook group to help each other out on the tours or to catch up with tour updates.

To start reviewing some great books sign up HERE

1 comment:

  1. Hello Maureen. Just found your blog. I'm now following along via Bloglovin. Have a lovely day.


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