Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Silver-White by Shawn Underhill & $100 Book Blast

Silver-White by Shawn Underhill

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
~ Robert Frost

*Evie’s family has been holding out on her …

Big time.

On an unexpected visit to her grandparents’ house in New Hampshire’s secluded North Woods, the sixteen-year-old literally runs into the truth of the long-hidden family secrets, and finds herself thrust without warning into the clandestine world of the Great North Pack—a wild and exhilarating world of rugged beauty, heart-pounding adventures, and long nights running under a sea of stars … but as she’s set to discover, a world also fraught with potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

 "Simply put, this book was amazing. I've read more fantasy novels than than I can count, but this one is certainly one of the best. The heroine isn't some wishy-washy pansy that screams at everything, and the focus of the story isn't on some unbelievably beautiful teenage girl who suddenly becomes the biggest, baddest member of her species falling in love with some big, bad, sexy member of her newfound species. It's about a girl becoming something she never knew existed, finding her place within the pack family she values more than ever before, and an age-old feud that threatens everything she loves." ~Morgan

Purchase ~ just .99 cents

Author Shawn Underhill

Shawn is a part-time writer from New Hampshire, where he spends his free time hiking in the mountains, camping, racing dirt bikes, or anything else that keeps him outdoors. Dogs are his very favorite people. He is also the author of the novel All Things Different.

BookBlast $100 Giveaway
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 2/13/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Bartered Bride Romance Collection: 9 Historical Stories of Arranged Marriages by Cathy Marie Hake, Kelly Eileen Hake, JoAnn A. Grote, Amy Rognlie, Janelle B. Schneider, Lynette Sowell, Pamela Kaye Tracy

Treasure this beautiful collection packed with all the angst of romance founded upon practical arrangements. Four sisters travel in answer to an ad before even corresponding with potential husbands. Two women bend to the will of their parents in taking husbands. A widow commits to a stranger in name only. And two women on the Oregon Trail hitch their lives to men they’ve just met. Will love blossom for convenience sake?


My Review:

Book 1 Josée has been brought up by LaBlanc family since she was 6 years old. She is starting to have feelings for her friend/brother. It is the custom in this Buyou Community that the father pick a spouse for his daughter when she reaches 18. That is where Josée is now, and is surprised when she finds herself engaged to wed Edouard, the older aloof brother.
Will she give up her feeling for one and turn them to another? Will she be able to reach Edouard? We shall find out!

Book 2 One of my favorite authors Cathy Marie Hake wrote this short story and she does not disappoint. We are traveling on a wagon train to Willomet Valley, and when the story opens Ethan's wife has passed and he is traveling with his two young children, and having a hard time and needing to depend on others to help with their care. Charity was traveling with her Mother and Father, when first her Mom and then her Dad died. The Wagon Master is insisting Charity cannot travel alone, and must be sent back….or combine the two wagons. So begins, a really sweet journey, with Charity and the children, and Ethan.
You will have to read this one! It is a must read!

Book 3 When Bethany's friend Penny brings her home over a Christmas Holiday, she loves being part of this family. A relationship develops between Penny's brother, Dr. Joshua Rogers, and Beth.
He eventually asks her to be his wife, and travel with him to go to Oregon, by wagon train.
Did Bethany marry him for love, or a family, that is the question to be answered in this story!

Book 4 Starts out quite funny, James Collingsworth has ordered 4 horse bridles, and ends up receiving 4 brides! He is not interested in a Woman. He can't leave them in town, and ends up bringing the sisters to his Ranch. He and his brother Luke end up sleeping in the barn. Will either he or Luke end up with one of these pretty woman.

Book 5 This is the second and continuing story of the Brides..not bridles, and this is Corrie Craigs. Her husband died a few months prior and she is in a family way, but that doesn't keep Luke from having feelings for her. Can Corrie who really loved her husband, ever have feelings for Luke?

Book 6 This is also a continuation of the Craig Sister. Bess Criag wants to move to town and Mr Riker or Gideon, offers Bess and Bertie his new house to use. Bessie sets up a kitchen and starts earning money from baking, and cooking meals. She also starts teaching some of the young boys how to read, and then some of the Soiled Doves from the Saloon. She begins to have feeling for Gideon, but as a Christian can not have anything to do with a saloon.

Book 7 This is Bertie's story, and the final and youngest of the Craigs Sisters. She is the a "tomboy", and loving it…that is until she meets Thomas Harding. All of a sudden another woman her age appears, married, and in a family way. It was like a light bulb went off in Roberta's head. You will have to read to see what happens to this one.

Book 8 The eighth novella is Abby's and James. Abby's Aunt plays a big trick on both of them! Abby is very pregnant when she arrives to be James's new Housekeeper, and James is surprised to find his new mail order bride to be with child.
Will Abby ever be able to break her vow to God? Will there ever be a real marriage? Surprising turn of events!

Book 9 Captain Gregory Royce has lent Mr Collier a lot of money to save his business. In return he is to marry Tabitha, whom he is in Love with. When the day before his wedding Tabitha elopes with another, her father offers his other daughter, Elizabeth or Libby as she is known.
Does this marriage have a chance? Will the Captain be able to Love Libby, and not pine for Tabitha.
A surprising romance.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, January 28, 2013

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Jack Templar Monster Hunter Book Blast & Giveaway

Jack Templar: Monster Hunter

Orphan Jack Templar has no memory of his parents and only the smallest details from his Aunt Sophie about how they died. The day before Jack's fourteenth birthday, things start to change for him. At first it's great: A sudden new strength helps him defend his nose-picking friend "T-Rex" from the school bully, and even his crush, Cindy Adams, takes notice. But then a mysterious girl named Eva arrives and tells him two facts that will change his life forever. First, that he's the descendent of a long line of monster hunters and he's destined to be in the family business. Second, that there's a truce between man and monster that children are off-limits...until their fourteenth birthday! Jack has only one day before hundreds of monsters will descend on his little town of Sunnyvale and try to kill him.

As if that weren't enough, things get even more complicated when Jack discovers that the Lord of the Creach (as the monsters are collectively known) holds a personal grudge against him and will do anything to see that Jack has a slow and painful death. To stay alive and save his friends, Jack will have to battle werewolves, vampires, harpies, trolls, zombies and more. But perhaps the most dangerous thing he must face is the truth about his past. Why do the other hunters call him the last Templar? Why do they whisper that he may be the "One?" Why do the monsters want him dead so badly? Even as these questions plague him, he quickly discovers survival is his new full-time job and that in the world of monster hunters, nothing is really what it seems.

Author Jeff Gunhus

Jeff Gunhus grew up in Cyprus, Greece, and Saudi Arabia where there was a distinct lack of television. He quickly found books were the gateway to incredible adventures, fascinating characters and unbelievable discoveries. Now, with five children of his own (all who watch too much television, in his opinion), he has enjoyed revisiting his old books and reliving those adventures all over again.

Kirkus Reviews

"Gunhus brings young readers a monster-filled romp to read at their own risk. In the first few pages, Jack, the storyteller and main character, warns readers not to read about these real-world monsters that would seem to only exist in fiction. The tone is set--sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek and likable; rooting for Jack is easy...Gunhus masterfully introduces fully realized characters with whom readers can connect almost instantly. The pacing is quick but not rushed, and events seamlessly progress, complete with action, cliff-hangers and surprise reveals. "

Amazon Reviews

Watch out Percy Jackson here comes Jack Templar
Move over Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, there's a new kid in town - Jack Templar, and he will take you on a wonderful adventure of good vs evil, with friends and enemies at every turn. The twists and turns keep the reader on a roller coaster of entertainment in the way of JK Rowling and Rick Riordan. ~ Penny Brein

Fast paced adventure through and through
Written for middle school aged students, this book is action-packed from the beginning and will hold the attention of young readers. Not only that, as an adult reader, it was hard to put down, so parents will enjoy it as an easy read. ~ bluejellybean

Kids will love it!
Not only will kids love it, adults will too! I don't want to give the plot away but this is a book worth reading. This book is creatively written drawing in the reader to be a participant in the story. There is lots of action with enough blood and guts to be interesting without being gross. Girls will like it too with the strong female role models and the hint of romance. Even though this is a children's book, I couldn't put it down. I will definitely be adding this to my classroom library. I am looking forward to reading the book in this series and sharing it with my students. Awesome book! ~ pixiep


Book Trailer


Yeah, you read it right. I’m a monster hunter. Back before I actually became one, I would have thought that sounded totally awesome. And don’t get me wrong, in a lot of ways it is. But most of the time, I’m either running for my life or hiding in the shadows, praying the monster chasing me doesn’t pick up my scent. And I’m almost always scared to death. In a few pages, I think you’ll see why.
     But there are a few things I need to warn you about before I tell you my story.
     First, this isn’t a cartoon. These are bloodthirsty creatures who will stop at nothing to kill. They are scary. Very scary. Second, the only way to stop them is to kill them first…and that gets gross and messy. Third, this is all real.
     You think I’m kidding, don’t you? I can almost see you smirking as you read this. But this isn’t a joke. Monsters are real and the story I’m about to tell you really happened. If you’d rather walk through life believing that monsters are only found in books or on the movie screen, then you should shut this book right now and go do something else.
     I give you these warnings because the story I’m about to tell you isn’t for everyone. Not everyone can handle it. The blood. The gore. The monsters.
     This life was thrust onto me. I had no choice but to take up a sword and fight. But you can still walk away and pretend this dark world doesn’t exist. Or you can walk through the door that I’m about to open and find out the truth about the world around you.
     But I warn you (and this is a big warning), if you read this book, if you learn about the monsters that roam among us and the hunters who fight them, if you decide to learn the truth, then you will become fair game for the monsters to chase.
     Make sure you understand what I’m saying.
     If you read this book, you will be part of this world and the monsters will come after you too. You will start to see things that no other humans can see. The shadows will move when you walk near them. The creatures of the night will seek you out, testing the doors and windows of your house, looking for a way in.
     And, at some point, they will find you, just like they found me, and you will be forced to defend yourself.
     So, think carefully before you turn the page, because once you do, there’s no turning back.
     Once a monster hunter, always a monster hunter.
     See you on the other side.
     If you’re brave enough.

Tour Schedule

Book Blast $50 Giveaway
Ends 2/15/13
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 25, 2013

Litfuse Publicity Book Tours Presents: The Tutor's Daughter by Julie Klassen

Filled with page-turning suspense, The Tutor’s Daughter takes readers to the windswept Cornwall coast–a place infamous for shipwrecks and superstitions–where danger lurks, faith is tested, and romance awaits.

Emma Smallwood, determined to help her widowed father when his boarding school fails, accompanies him to the cliff-top manor of a baronet and his four sons. But soon after they arrive and begin teaching the two younger boys, mysterious things begin to happen. Who does Emma hear playing the pianoforte at night, only to find the music room empty? And who begins sneaking into her bedchamber, leaving behind strange mementoes?

The baronet’s older sons, Phillip and Henry Weston, wrestle with problems–and secrets–of their own. They both remember the studious Miss Smallwood from their days at her father’s academy. But now one of them finds himself unexpectedly drawn to her…

When suspicious acts escalate, can Emma figure out which brother to blame and which to trust with her heart?

Julie is celebrating by giving away one of the new Paperwhite Kindles, Downton Abbey (season 3) and hosting a fun Author Chat Party on Facebook. (January 31st)


One fortunate winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Paperwhite
  • Downton Abbey, Season 3
  • A Julie Klassen library (The Tutor’s Daughter, The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, The Girl in the Gatehouse, and The Silent Governess)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on January 30th. Winner will be announced at "The Tutor's Daughter Author Chat Party on January 31st. Connect with Julie, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at the trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be great giveaways - gift certificates, books and season 3 of Downton Abbey!

So grab your copy of The Tutor's Daughter and join Julie on the evening of the January 31st for a chance to connect with Julie and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 31st!

About The Author:
Julie Klassen loves all things Jane–Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Julie worked in publishing for sixteen years and now writes full time. She has won the Christy Award: Historical Romance for The Silent Governess (2010) and The Girl in the Gatehouse (2011) which also won the 2010 Midwest Book Award for Genre Fiction. Julie and her husband have two sons and live in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Find out more about Julie at

My Review:

I loved this visit to old England. The Tutor's Daughter is a mystery with a bit of romance. The mystery goes to almost the end and was a surprise to me.
Emma Smallwood and her father have accepted an invite to go and teach the younger son's of Sir Giles Weston, Rowan and Julian. Emma hopes that this change from the school he runs will help revive him from his depression.
Lady Weston meets them at the door, very surprised they are there. They are later shown to their rooms and told to stay away from the North Wing?
Emma and her Dad are also reunited with their formal pupils Henry and Phillip Weston. Emma harbors feelings for Phillip, where as Henry was always teasing and pulling pranks on her. There is also a young girl at their home, Lizzie Henshaw, who is Lady Weston's Ward. It will take you quite awhile to decide if she is a friend or a foe? Henry Weston I found to be wonderful God loving man, he seems to really care for most anyone, including risking his own life.
Sit down and have a cup of tea, and enjoy this great story.

I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: Reconstructing Jackson by Holly Bush

1867 . . . Southern lawyer and Civil War veteran, Reed Jackson, returns to his family’s plantation in a wheelchair. His father deems him unfit, and deeds the Jackson holdings, including his intended bride, to a younger brother. Angry and bitter, Reed moves west to Fenton, Missouri, home to a cousin with a successful business, intending to start over.

Belle Richards, a dirt poor farm girl aching to learn how to read, cleans, cooks and holds together her family’s meager property. A violent brother and a drunken father plot to marry her off, and gain a new horse in the bargain. But Belle’s got other plans, and risks her life to reach them.

Reed is captivated by Belle from their first meeting, but wheelchair bound, is unable to protect her from violence. Bleak times will challenge Reed and Belle’s courage and dreams as they forge a new beginning from the ashes of war and ignorance.

About The Author

Holly Bush was born in western Pennsylvania to two avid readers. There was not a room in her home that did not hold a full bookcase. She worked in the hospitality industry, owning a restaurant for twenty years and recently worked as the sales and marketing director in the hospitality/tourism industry and is credited with building traffic to capacity for a local farm tour, bringing guests from twenty-two states, booked two years out. Holly has been a marketing consultant to start-up businesses and has done public speaking on the subject.
Holly has been writing all of her life and is a voracious reader of a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction, particularly political and historical works. She has written four romance novels, all set in the U.S. West in the mid 1800’s. She frequently attends writing conferences, and has always been a member of a writer’s group.

Holly is a gardener, a news junkie, and was the vice-president of her local library board for years. She loves to spend time near the ocean and is the proud mother of two daughters and the wife of a man more than a few years her junior.

Her latest book is the historical fiction, Reconstructing Jackson.


My Review:

What a great book, I read it in one day, and could not put it down. The story is set in Fenton MO, just after the Civil War.
The country is trying to move on, at least some are, where others are convinced that slavery will return!
Reed Jackson survived the War, but lost part of one leg and injured the other. His father seeing him in a chair decides the woman he was to marry will marry his brother, and his brother shall have their Plantation. Reed decides to move on and start a law practice in MO. He comes and stays with his cousin Henry and his wife Mary Ellen at their Hotel.
Reed is surprised that a black woman is their manager at the Hotel. He was raised with slaves and this is quite a challenge for him. Also in this town is a lovely nineteen year old who is really being abused by her family. Belle's brother has picked out someone he wants her to marry, and he will get a mule...ugh!
When her family finds out she is attending a black church, and more, she is beaten within an inch of her life. Beulah, the hotel manager, is a friend of Belle's, and helps her. With her at the Hotel now there is quite a bit of time that Reed ends up spending with her. All Belle really wants is a husband, a home, children, and a garden. This story will warm your heart, we may not understand why some of the things happen, but once you pick this book up, your in for a really great read.

I received this book from Pump Your Book Virtual Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

An Amish Kitchen by Beth Wiseman, Amy Clipston, Kelly Long

The Amish Kitchen is the Heart of the Home - and the Ideal Setting for Stories of Love and Hope.

Fall in Paradise, Pennsylvania, always brings a brisk change in the weather. This season also ushers in unexpected visitors, new love, and renewed hope for three women.

Fern has a green thumb for growing healing herbs, but longs for love to bloom in her life. Then the next-door neighbor's oldest son, Abram, comes running into Fern's kitchen seeking help for his little sister. The crisis soon leads to a promise of romance--until mistrust threatens to end the growing attraction.

Nearby, Hannah runs her parents' bed and breakfast, Paradise Inn--but her life feels nothing like Paradise. She longs for a man of integrity to enter her life, but never expected him to knock on the front door looking for a room. Will she be able trust Stephen with her future once she discovers his mysterious past?

When a storm blows a tree onto Eve's farmhouse, she has little choice but to temporarily move her family into her parents' home. Outside of cooking together in the kitchen, Eve and her mother can't agree on anything. But this may be just the recipe for hope in healing old wounds.

"Three Amish stories--each celebrating love, family, and faith--all taking place in a tight-knit community where the kitchen truly is the heart of the home."

Also Includes Reading Group Guide and 45 Old Order Amish Recipes

"Fans of Amish fiction will find triple the enjoyment here thanks to this gathering of novellas in one book." --"Publishers Weekly" for "An Amish Wedding"

About Beth Wiseman

"I wish I had the time to review books and chat with you here, but my writing deadlines just don't allow it. Please like my Fans of Beth Wiseman Page on Facebook where I try to post any news I have to share."
Beth is the best-selling and award winning author of the Daughters of the Promise series - Plain Perfect, Plain Pursuit, Plain Promise, Plain Paradise, and Plain Proposal. She is contracted with Thomas Nelson Fiction. Her other series--the Land of Canaan Novels--begins with Seek Me With All Your Heart, then The Wonder of Your Love and now, His Love Endures Forever. Seek Me With All Your Heart is the first Amish fiction book selected as a Women of Faith novel in 2011. Beth has also written a contemporary Christian fiction novel entitled Need You Now published in 2012.

About Amy Cliptson

Amy Clipston is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). She holds a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and works full-time as a public information specialist for the City of Charlotte, NC. Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband and two sons.

About Kelly Long

Kelly Long was born and raised in North Central Pennsylvania. There was an Amish hitching post at the small grocery store in her town. She loves to write Amish romance and is the author of novel, Sarah's Garden, the novella Amish Christmas Expanded Edition with some other great Amish authors, Amish Love with Beth Wiseman and Kathy Fuller, and Lilly's Wedding Quilt--the sequel to Sarah's Garden. She lives in Atlanta with her husband and children.

My Review:

Three wonderful Amish stories to draw you in:
A Taste of Faith by Kelly Long
A Spoonful of Love by Amy Clipston
A Recipe For Hope by Beth Wiseman

The first by Kelly Long, is about a girl who is very talented with healing, but very little self esteem. She has been put down by others, and feels she is to ugly and fat to ever have a husband.

The second by Amy Cliptson is about forgiveness. A sin is a sin, God forgives us. We just need to ask, but the hardest part is forgiving ourselves. This one is about a man who feels he let his fiancé down, when she was killed in a buggy accident. He comes to Paradise and comes to the Kings B&B. A sweet story of returning to God and finding forgiveness.

The third is by Beth Wiseman
The last is also a story of forgiveness. Eve and Ben move into her parents home while there home is being repaired, a tree fell on it during a storm. There are the five of them going to live with her parents...there is a love triangle, and some old child abuse.
Will this family be able to get rid of old and new hurts, and have a good relationship?

These are three really good stories, and a very fast afternoon read. Then there are the mouth watering recipes at the end...several going on my list!

I received this book through the Booksneeze Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Take My Heart Blog Tour Review & Giveaway

Tour Schedule

Take My Heart by Marie Higgins

Mercedes Maxwell’s sister’s last wish was for Mercedes to find evidence against Kat’s husband, William Braxton, and have him hung as a traitor to the crown. Mercedes isn’t naïve when it comes to capturing traitors, because her own deceased husband had once been an agent for the King when they lived in England.

When she meets William Braxton for the first time, all is not as it seems. Portraying her twin, Mercedes knows this is the only way to get close enough to William to discover his secrets. What she finds along the way are little surprises she hadn’t counted on, especially when she begins to give her heart to a man who may be a spy against the crown.

Book Trailer

Praise for Marie Higgins
”I enjoyed this book immensely. Each book of Marie's that I read is better than the last. I recommend this book to young adults and older who enjoy historical mystery, intrigue, fight for freedom, clean romance. This is the book for you.”
~~Mary Walling / Goodreads

“Few authors have mastered the art of storytelling like Marie Higgins. In this Colonial-era romance, Marie takes her reader on a wild ride. Every chapter, every scene, every line envelopes the reader's senses and imagination with passionate romance, deep emotional struggles, unexpected twists and turns, and neverending ups and downs. This was a hard book to put down and earns an unequivocal five stars from me. Thanks, Marie, for writing such great romances!”
~~Wanda Luce / Goodreads

 “Marie Higgins's Take My Heart is a stunning colonial romance. With well developed characters and heartwarming scenes, this book will steal the hearts of romance lovers and historical fiction fans. There are numerous twists and Higgins keeps you guessing at every turn as to who the real villain is. This book is a "must-read" for anyone who loves romance, history, or just a good story. FIVE STARS ALL THE WAY!!” ~~L.D. Smith / Kindle

“Breathless! From start to finish you will keep wondering, questioning, and hoping. You will root for the underdog, and smile as love conquers all. Great read. You won't put it down until you're finished!”
~~M. Henning / Kindle


Author Marie Higgins

Since Marie Higgins was a little girl playing Barbies with her sister, Stacey, she has loved the adventure of making up romantic stories. Marie was only eighteen years old when she wrote her first skit, which won an award for Funniest Skit. A little later in life, after she’d married and had children, Marie wrote Church roadshows that were judged as Funniest and Best Written. From there, she branched out to write full-length novels based on her dreams. (Yes, she says, her dreams really are that silly)

Marie has been married for twenty-six years to a wonderful man. Together, they have three loving daughters and several beautiful grandchildren. Marie works full time for the state of Utah, where she has lived her entire life. Marie plans to keep writing, because the characters in her head won’t shut up. But her husband smiles and pretends this is normal.


Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card
Ends 1/31/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review:

I have read books dealing with the Revolutionary War, but this is story takes place during Colonial times, some of what was going on prior. We all know what remember studying the War, but putting face on what it was living at this time was interesting. Mercedes sister Kat has died in an asylum, she begged Mercedes to avenge the person, her husband, who has brought her to this point. She promises, and takes off to see if she can trap him as a traitor.
What Mercedes never expected is to fall in love with her sister's step-children. Will she be able to help her sister? Or will she find out the real things going on? Her loyalty has always been to her king, she is more than willing to turn in a man who is loyal to the Patriot movement.
Kat and Mercedes are identical in looks, but not personality. Will Kat husband William Braxton realize this is not his wife? What about the children and the staff? Be ready for a great story, full of mystery and deception. You think you know what is about to happen...and boom it changes. Enjoy!

I received this book through I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Blog Tour, and was not required to give a positive review.

I Am A Reader Not A Writer Presents: daynight by Megan Thomason Book Blast & Blog Tour

daynight by Megan Thomason

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Earth’s benevolent non-profit by day, Thera’s totalitarian regime by night. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance™. Reality: the SCI subjects Second Chancers to strict controls and politically motivated science experiments like Cleaving—forced lifetime union between two people who have sex.

Meet Kira Donovan. Fiercely loyal, overly optimistic, and ensnared by the promise of a full-ride college scholarship, Kira signs the SCI Recruit contract to escape memories of a tragedy that left her boyfriend and friends dead.

Meet Blake Sundry. Bitter about being raised in Exile and his mother’s death, Blake’s been trained to infiltrate and destroy the SCI. Current barrier to success? His Recruit partner—Miss Goody Two Shoes Kira Donovan.

Meet Ethan Darcton. Born with a defective heart and resulting inferiority complex, Ethan’s forced to do his SCI elite family’s bidding. Cleave-worthy Kira Donovan catches his eye, but the presiding powers give defect-free Blake Sundry first dibs.

Full of competing agendas, romantic entanglements, humor, twists and turns, daynight is Megan Thomason’s debut young adult dystopian novel and first in the daynight series.

                                            daynight will be FREE from Jan 21 - Jan 23

PURCHASE AMAZON PRAISE “Sure to win over YA readers looking for a dangerous, dystopian adventure story” —Kirkus Reviews “Gripping young adult dystopian novel; compelling conflicts; high stakes; powerful narrative; surprises keep coming; strong writing; page-turner; engaging characters; Readers will be hungry for the sequels.”—BlueInk Review (starred review)

“The writing is impressive and the story is a real page-turner. So many twists and turns… I’m hooked… I can’t wait for the next installment to come out…4.5 out of 5 stars”—Self-Publishing Review

“Delicious humor, intelligence, and sparkling dialogue” —Amazon reviewer

“Strangely brilliant and imaginative”—Amazon reviewer

“Grips you from the first page and keeps you wanting more”—Amazon reviewer

“Plot twists kept me reading till late at night”—Amazon reviewer

“Every page a thrilling experience”—Amazon reviewer

“Hooked from the first chapter and could not put it down”—Amazon reviewer

“It's like a CW fantasy TV show in a book with a really interesting environment.”—Amazon reviewer

“I'm a little tired of dystopian novels, but Daynight has a unique and fresh story line that didn't have any trouble keeping my interest.”—Amazon reviewer

Author Megan Thomason

Megan Thomason lives in paradise aka San Diego, CA with her husband and five children. A former software manager, Megan vastly prefers writing twisted tales to business, product, and marketing plans. When she isn't typing away on her laptop, she's reading books on her phone—over 600 in the last year—or attending to the needs of her family. Megan’s fluent in sarcasm, could potentially benefit from a 12-step program for road rage, struggles with a Hot Tamales addiction, loves world travel & fast cars and hates paperwork & being an insomniac. Daynight is Megan's first published novel, but fourth written one.

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Book Blast Giveaway
$75 Amazon Gift Card
Apple Earbuds ($30 Value)
Ends 2/3/13
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Revell Book Blogging Tours Presents: The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow (Avenue of Dreams, #2) by Olivia Newport

Charlotte Farrow, maid in the wealthy Banning household on Chicago's opulent Prairie Avenue, has kept her baby boy a secret from her employers for nearly a year. But when the woman who has been caring for her son abruptly returns him, Charlotte must decide whether to come clean and face dismissal or keep her secret while the Bannings decide the child's fate. Can she face the truth of her own past and open her heart to a future of her own? Or will life's tragedies determine the future for her?
This compelling story set against the glittering backdrop of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition captures the tension between the wealthy class and the hardworking servants who made their lives comfortable. Author Olivia Newport expertly portays social classes while creating a story of courage, strength, and tender romance.

About The Author

I’m imagining you. You walk past as I water my front flowerbeds and we wave. You check the time as we both stand in a long line at the grocery store. You sit in front of me in church. I’m at my table in the coffee shop and you’re at yours.

We may smile politely and move on with our separate lives. Or one of us may speak, a simple invitation to conversation, and the words flow between us.

Here the adventure begins. When we meet someone new, we never know where it might lead.

I’ve been married for over thirty years and have two twenty-something kids. We live in stunning Colorado at the foot of the Rockies, where the day lilies in my back yard grow as tall as I am. (No short jokes, please.)

Not every piece of my life is pretty, though. Some days I want to throw out whole chunks. But I am living each day looking for the grace of God to me, in me, and through me. Having your companionship along the way will help uncover a lot of great stories.

My Review:

This book started with The Pursuit of Lucy Banning, when Charlotte Farrow arrived in Chicago with her infant son. With the help of Lucy, who found a woman to care for "Henry", she was able to go into Service at the Mansion.
This book opens with the woman who was caring for Henry, literally dropping him off, as she had to leave home. Now Charlotte has a big dilemma, she is not allowed to be married or have a child and keep her job. Lucy would have helped her, but she is in Paris on her honeymoon.
To top all things the evil man who is her husband has discovered her, and she is worried about the safety of her baby.
Staying with the family at the mansion is a relative of the family, there for a visit to find a husband, who takes a real shine to the baby. Will Charlotte tell who the baby is or do as Moses mother did years ago to save him?
There is also a sweet love story here, but will Charlotte be able to open her heart, or will her husband find her? Travel along with Charlotte as we visit 1890's Chicago, and the closing days of World's Columbia Exposition. Delightful, and a real page turning fast read.

I received this book through the Publisher Revell and their Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

Available January 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group

The Kashmir Shawl by Rosie Thomas

Spanning decades and moving from the stark beauty of the Welsh landscape to the Himalayas and Kashmir, this is a story of bravery, courage and love.Within one exotic land lie the secrets of a lifetime…Newlywed Nerys Watkins leaves rural Wales for the first time in her life, to accompany her husband on a missionary posting to India. Travelling from lonely Ladakh, high up in the Himalayas, Nerys discovers a new world in the lakeside city of Srinagar. Here, in the exquisite heart of Kashmir, the British live on carved wooden houseboats and dance, flirt and gossip as if there is no war.But the battles draw ever closer, and life in Srinagar becomes less frivolous when the men are sent away to fight. Nerys is caught up in a dangerous friendship, and by the time she is reunited with her husband, the innocent Welsh bride has become a different woman.Years later, when Mair Ellis clears out her father’s house, she finds an exquisite antique shawl, woven from the finest yarns and embroidered in the shades of lake water and mountain skies. Wrapped within its folds is a lock of child’s hair. Tracing her grandparents’ roots back to Kashmir, Mair embarks on a quest that will change her life forever.

About The Author

Rosie Thomas is a writer, currently living in London. Her numerous novels, several of them top ten bestsellers, deal with the common themes of love and loss.

She is the author of a number of celebrated novels, including the bestsellers Sun at Midnight, Iris and Ruby and Constance. Once she was established as a writer and her children were grown, she discovered a love of traveling and mountaineering. She has climbed in the Alps and the Himalayas, competed in the Peking to Paris car rally, spent time on a tiny Bulgarian research station in Antarctica and traveled the silk road through Asia. She lives in London.

My Review:
What a story Rosie Thomas was written, she had me walking with the Characters through the streets in India. I could almost smell the goats, as was described. We experience the life with the Raj, and the slums.
The story begins with the death of her father, Mair finds a beautiful Kashmir Shawl among the belongings. She also finds an old envelope with some hair stored in it. Thus begins her quest for answers, and her trip to India.
There are actually two stories told here, some of it we know but Mair never has all the answers. Mair's Grandmother Nerys and Grandfather Evan are missionaries to India, with WWII going on in 1941, we are about to experience life there. Nerys spends time with Myrtle, and Carolyn, you will enjoy the fun times they make out adversity.
I really recommend this as a Historical read, so very interesting. Even when Mair goes there, there is fighting between the Hindu's and the Muslims. So very sad.
Putting this combined story together is a real page turner, and even though the book is a bit long, it was a quick read.

I received this book through The Bookreporter giveaway, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, January 18, 2013

uncovered by shenetta jones

After 5 years of marriage, Minister Stephanie Hall’s patience wears thin with her husband’s disinterest in sexual intimacy. With her desire for closeness and attention causing her faith to plummet, Stephanie fights an inner struggle of beauty and self-acceptance as her desperate need to be adored grows out of control…

Markus Hall wishes his past would go away, but the haunting events of his childhood years keep him distant from his wife Stephanie, and her constant requests for sex only push him away and remind him of the very things he’d rather forget. When his boss calls upon Markus to tutor his stunningly gorgeous daughter for her college classes, he can’t resist such a tempting offer, feeling needed and important each time the beautiful tutorial student looks into his eyes…

Suspecting that the relationship between her husband and the Indian beauty is more intimate than it seems, Stephanie decides to take matters into her own hands: weary with prayer, she abandons her faith and finds gratification in the arms of Matthew King, a church member’s husband…

With Markus and Stephanie’s healing seemingly too far to reach, they both find themselves searching for anything that resembles true love; however, in the pursuit of their new passion, the troubled spouses soon find themselves uncovered in a bitter storm of infidelity. Will this God fearing couple return to their faith and mend their brokenness…?

About The Author

Shenette Swann Jones is a native of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but will always claim Memphis, Tennessee, as her second home. Coming from a family of talented singers and musicians, music has always played a first role in Shenette’s life, but writing would always remain her most treasured gift among her other talents. When Shenette wasn’t singing or choreographing a dance routine,she would escape to her many journals or poetry clubs, and eventually even a newspaper staff or two. From music to writing, her passion for life shines in every multifaceted direction she takes.

Today, Shenette is a motivational speaker, a community activist, an incredibly diverse vocalist, and a new novelist. The year 2010 sawShenette’s first published work in “Home Again; Stories of Restored Relationships”, a heartwarming anthology by award winning author Wanda B. Campbell. Since then, Shenette has perfected her craft as a writer in order to produce her first novel, Uncovered. When she isn’t blogging, journaling, or creating another story, Shenette enjoys taking an aggressive stand in the community against domestic violence and sexual assault. She also advocates strongly for youth education rights and racial relations within her community.

After 13 years of marriage and two wonderful sons, Shenette is thoroughly excited to return to writing full-time and hopes to use her imagination as a tool of inner healing, self-reflection, and a great source of entertainment for others.

My Review:
This is a story of finding forgiveness. We never know what is going on in another persons mind, even those closest to you. Some times past hurts, have not been shared because they are so hurtful.
Stephanie and Markus have not been communicating, both have hurts left for their childhood. As they say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Unfortunately, they do not communicate, and when Markus takes a shine to his bosses daughter, who is right out flirting with him, Stephanie begins her own sin.
There is a lot of sex in this story, it is actually based on it. What I did take from this was the feeling of God being their to help. They just need to ask!
When forgiveness is found, such a warm feeling. Don't miss this story, and find that nothing is beyond God's Help.

I received this book from Tywebbin Creations LLC, and was not required to give a positive review.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

3rd Annual Dreaming of Books Giveaway Hop

3rd Annual Dreaming of Books Giveaway Hop January 18th to 24th

This Giveaway consists of TWO Books....To One Winner!

Belonging (Where the Heart Lives #1) by Robin Lee Hatcher

In the high desert town of Frenchman's Bluff, Idaho, Felicia Kristoffersen has set out to create a future for herself that is better than her painful past. Alone in the world with only her faith to sustain her, she must prove herself as this tiny community's new school teacher. She cannot, must not, fail. But, there are those who never wanted her there to begin with.

Five years after the death of his wife, local merchant Colin Murphy cares about just one thing: raising his daughter, Charity. Colin wants to give her the educational advantages he never had. The new schoolmarm's inexperience doesn't sit well with him, and if this teacher up and marries like the last one did, Charity's heart will be broken once again.

A woman who hasn't known love. A man who lost the love he had.

In the midst of the wide, sage-covered plains, each is about to discover that life's bitterest circumstances truly can work together for good.

Under the Summer Sky (The Dakota Diaries #2) by Lori Copeland

After a man named Jones rescues Trinity Franklin from a river, they find their destination is the same: a small town in North Dakota. A seemingly coincidental beginning comes to a delightful and charming ending when orchestrated by the One who can put the pieces of any lost and broken life together.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

I Am A Reader Not A Writer Presents: Heart of the Ocean by Heather B. Moore

Tour Schedule

Heart of the Ocean
by Heather B. Moore

A dark secret . . . a grieving ghost  . . . a handsome stranger  . . .
What more could Eliza Robinson want?
Except for maybe her life.

In Heather B. Moore’s enthralling 1840’s historical romance, Heart of the Ocean, Eliza Robinson has turned down the very pretentious Mr. Thomas Beesley’s marriage proposal. As a business partner of Eliza’s father, Thomas quickly discredits the family and brings disgrace to the Robinson name.

While her father scrambles to restore his good name in New York City, Eliza flees to the remote Puritan town of Maybrook to stay with her Aunt Maeve. Although relieved to be away from all- things-male and unforgiving gossip columns, odd things start to happen to Eliza, and she is plagued by a ghostly voice. Her aunt’s explanation? That Eliza is being haunted by a woman who died of a broken heart twenty years ago.

After Aunt Maeve is tragically killed, Eliza's life is put in danger as she tries to uncover the mystery of her aunt's death. She encounters Jonathan Porter in Maybrook, whose presence in the town seems suspicious, yet she finds herself drawn to him. When she discovers that Jonathan’s dark secrets may be the link between the dead woman who haunts her and her aunt’s murderer, Eliza realizes that Jonathan is the one man she should never trust.


Author Heather B. Moore
Heather B. Moore is the award-winning author of ten novels, two inspirational non-fiction books, and two anthologies, including The Newport Ladies Book Club Series, A Timeless Romance Anthology, and Christ's Gifts to Women (co-authored by Angela Eschler).

Her historical fiction is published under the pen name H.B. Moore. She is the two-time recipient of Best of State in Literary Fiction, two-time Whitney Award Winner, and two-time Golden Quill Winner for Best Novel. Her most recent historical novel under H.B. Moore is Daughters of Jared (2012 LUW Gold Award of Excellence & 2012 LUW Best Book Trailer).

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 1/3/12
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review:

A riveting read of 1830's in New England. We live among the early Puritan settlers, and experience some of what it was like to come on the Mayflower! Somehow they had managed to keep a lot of their ways of life, while some of the country has been prospering and changing.
Eliza Robinson has grown up in a privileged life in NYC. When the story opens she has spurned her father's partner, a rather stout, older man, who had the desire to marry her. Can I say Yuck! Anyway society is in an uproar about her treatment of Thomas, and she decides to go her Dad's sister, Aunt Maeve. There she steps into another world of the Puritan's in the town of Maybrook.
We are about to begin a journey of two Continents and a struggle for the truth. Did a young mother abandon her young son, or was she murdered? Will Jonathan ever be able to claim his inheritance? There are links between the property that Aunt Maeve owns and Jonathan's mother Helena. Why is Eliza felling this close connection to Helena?
Then there is Jonathan's coming to terms with the station of his will be shocked at the treatment of Olivia by her Puritan town. Which path will Jonathan find himself on? You hope he will end up with Eliza, but then there is Nathan. He loves Eliza, and seems to want to do anything that would make her happy.
Once you start on this book, you will not be able to put it need to know the ending. I so enjoyed this!!

I received this book through I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Book Blast, and was not required to give a positive review.

Celebrate Lit Presents: No Other Way Author: Kate Darroch

  About the Book Book:  No Other Way Author:  Kate Darroch Genre: Thriller Release date: September 26, 2024 Mary is The P...