Saturday, September 17, 2011

Naomi's Gift: an Amish Christmas Story by Amy Clipston

Naomi's Gift: an Amish Christmas Story

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed my return visit with the Kauffman family. I've read all of the books in this series, and loved inviting this one into my home! This is a sweet book that I read in one sitting!

Amy shows us that even though we live in different cultures, Amish and English, the word gossip is the same. I loved the great faith shown by the Character's in this book. They seemed to live to follow God and do what they feel he wants for them!

Caleb Schumaker has decided to take his eight year old daughter Susan to be with his side of the family in Pennsylvania. While there he meets Irene Wagler whose Dad owns a buggy shop like Caleb, also Naomi King, whom he is told has a reputation of chasing men!

You love getting to know precious Susie...made me want to take her home! Love the interaction of all of the children, and the adults too, of course!

I received this book from the Publisher Zovdervan, and was not required to give a positive review.

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