Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What the Heart Wants (Amish New World, #3) by Virginia Wise


The third book in Virginia Wise's sweeping historical Amish New World series unites the heartwarming love story of an Amish romance with a rugged, frontier setting--America's first permanent Amish settlement. There, two devoted sisters must rely on their faith and forge ahead in a difficult new world--only to find that love is a thrilling discovery of its own with the arrival of two brothers to their community.

Outgoing and irrepressible, young Christina has her choice of suitors. But she and her practical-minded older sister, Hilda, have built a thriving life in the rugged Pennsylvania backcountry. Hilda has given up her marriage dreams as foolish--and Christina vows she'll never marry until she finds her sister a husband. So when two handsome newcomers arrive, Christina engages in a bit of secret matchmaking--with disastrous results...

Johan is used to hard work and overcoming obstacles. He's instantly drawn to Christina's lively nature--and agrees with her that his serious brother, Wilhelm, would be perfect for Hilda. But Christina's selfless schemes are keeping her from seeing how much Johan really cares for her. And between mishaps, mistakes, and an unintentional masquerade, Christina and Johan will need to search their hearts to understand themselves, set things right--and embark on a future together.



About The Author

About The Author

After Virginia’s oldest son left for college and her youngest son began high school, she finally had time to pursue her dream of writing novels. Virginia dusted off the keyboard she once used as a magazine editor and journalist to create a world that combines her love of romance, history, and Plain living.

Her Amish New World series takes readers on a journey into the 18th century Pennsylvania wilderness and the pioneering days of the first American Amish. Each carefully researched novel brings a bygone era to life and connects readers to this forgotten time by weaving familiar Amish romances into an historic frontier setting.

Virginia Wise's favorite pastimes include wandering Lancaster County’s Amish country and exploring history museums that inspire her stories and help her connect readers with the past. When she’s not writing, Virginia enjoys painting and taking long walks in the woods.

My Review


This is the third book in this series that I have read and enjoyed, stories of the pioneering Amish, and their early lives and settlement in this country.
This is a story about siblings, sister's who raise sheep, and brother's whom have just arrived and looking to put down roots. I loved how each family worked and provided for all of the community, and thus ensure its survival.
This story had me chuckling out loud, read as outgoing Christina tries to teach her sensible sister Hilda how to use her womanly wiles. Then the recipient of those batting eyes is Wilhelm, a bit baffled by the complete change in Hilda! Then we have his bother, Johan with the high opinion of himself, quite the ladies man, and this is the 1700's in very rural Pennsylvania.
I am really enjoying reading about these early settlers of the Amish Community, and looking forward to more!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Zebra, and was not required to give a positive review.


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