Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Gold Digger by Liz Tolsma


Fiction Based on Strange, But True, History
True, riveting stories of American criminal activity are explored through a unique stories of historical romantic suspense. Collect them all and be inspired by the hope that always finds its way even in the darkest of times.
In 1907, shy but loyal Ingrid Storset travels from Norway to support her grieving sister, Belle Gunness, who owns a farm in LaPorte, Indiana. Well-to-do widow Belle, who has lost two husbands and several children, provides Ingrid with enough money to start a small business. But Ingrid is confused by the string of men Belle claims to be interviewing for her next husband. When Nils Lindherud comes to town looking for his missing brother, who said he was going to marry Belle, Ingrid has a sinking feeling her sister is up to no good.



About The Author


iz Tolsma has lived in Wisconsin most of her life, and she now resides next to a farm field with her husband, their son, and their two daughters. All of their children have been adopted internationally and one has special needs. Her novella, Under His Wings, appeared in the New York Times bestselling collection, A Log Cabin Christmas. Her debut novel, Snow on the Tulips, released in August of 2013. Daisies Are Forever released in May 2014. When not busy putting words to paper, she enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping with her family. Please visit her blog at www.liztolsma.blogspot.com and follow her on Facebook and Twitter (@LizTolsma). She is also a regular contributor to the Barn Door blog.


My Review

Family, that is part of this story. One a young woman who has come from Norway to be with her widowed sister and her family, the other is a man who comes searching for his missing brother. The story is how tragically it all meshes together.
Be sure to read the author's notes at the end of this book, and yes, this is a fictional story, but based on facts. This crime really happened. So very sad.
Why, I guess greed, and because they can?
You don't want to miss these True Crime series, they are riveting and page turning, but most of all or sadly they are true. yes, they really happened.

I received this book through NetGalley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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