Tuesday, December 29, 2020

First Light in Morning Star (Maidels of Morning Star #2) by Charlotte Hubbard


Founded by five enterprising Amish maidels, the new Morningstar Marketplace is a joyous
success. What’s even more remarkable is the gift the business bestows upon each of these
unmarried women—the unexpected blessing of love . . .
Leaving Flaud’s Furniture to teach at the community’s new school is a joy for
Lydianne Christner. Old Order Amish, but new to Morning Star, she’s grateful that the congregation trusts her with the position—but she panics when handsome Bishop Jeremiah Shetler asks about the life she left behind. If anyone discovers the secret she’s hiding, she would, quite rightly, be shunned.   
A widower, Bishop Jeremiah admires young Lydianne’s youthful energy and skill with the children. He’s also curious about her past, and the burden he senses on her heart. When his request to court her is
refused, he’s stung, and lonelier than ever. It isn’t until a crisis prompts a tearful Lydianne to confess to him that Jeremiah is faced with a choice that requires all of his faith—and teaches them both that love and forgiveness go hand in hand.



About The Author


Drawing upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi, longtime Missourian Charlotte Hubbard (a.k.a. Naomi King) writes of simpler times and a faith-based lifestyle in her new Seasons of the Heart series. Like her heroine, Miriam Lantz, Charlotte considers it her personal mission to feed people—to share hearth and home. Faith and family, farming and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle, and the foundation of her earlier Angels of Mercy series. She’s a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and when she’s not writing, she loves to try new recipes, crochet, and sew. Charlotte now lives in Minnesota with her husband and their border collie.



My Review

I loved being back in Morning Star and being reunited with characters that I've come to care about and learn more about what is going on in their lives and the lives of their friends.
This is primarily, Lydianne's story, and her desires and self punishment. It is also about two men who are very interested in getting her attention. One is a widower with two very young children, and your heart will break for him as we look into his circumstances. Then there is the Bishop who is also a widower and would like to move on with his life.
Come and see how the Market Place and new school is doing, and how the people are working to make it all a success.
I am now waiting for the next installment in this series, I love a deeper look into these new friends and what is going on with them.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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