Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pump Your Book Book Spotlight: Next Year In Jerusalem by Barbara Becker Holstein

Join Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, author of the romance, mystery and spiritual awakening novel, Next year in Jerusalem as she virtually tours the blogosphere in October and November, 2012 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. 

Next Year In Jerusalem Book Teasers
Did you ever wonder what your life would be like if an old boyfriend came back into it and really pursued you?
Did you ever wish your life was suddenly exciting and adventurous?

Did you ever wonder how you would handle intrigue and danger if they fell into your lap?

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to fall in love with someone so different from the person who you are with or that you could have ever imagined?

Did you ever wish to start over?

Have you yearned for a spiritual awakening?

Did you ever want to be you, but the you that wouldn't stop so easily at the edge of your envelope?

Did you forget who you were supposed to become?

Does time seem to have left you older than you expected?

Are you ready for a fast, dramatic read that let's you in to the hearts and minds of two women, in many ways similar to yourself?

Are you ready to experience romance, mystery and intrigue?

Are you ready to have your own thoughts and emotions quickened and perhaps changed forever by joining Natalie and Maggie on their adventures?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions then you are ready to read

Next Year in Jerusalem Book Excerpt
Natalie didn't tell David (her husband)about her other dream, the one about Jack, the Jewish fellow from Chicago who'd been around to save her from despair after she decided she wasn't moving to Iraq. A diamond salesman, Jack now lived in London and traveled back and forth to Israel all the time.
Natalie prided herself on staying in touch with lots of people from her past. Jack was one of them. Occasionally they e-mailed and he'd friended her on Facebook two years ago. Although they hadn’t written recently, if he read her Facebook page he would know she was going to Jerusalem. What if he tried to see her? What if there was still an attraction? Would she tell David? Would he care? Would she act out?
Her life with David was so good and stable and predictable. And boring!
Did I just say boring?
No, she must have meant solid. Or did she mean solid?
Oh, I'm a wreck. I'm miserable and I can't sleep, she continued to obsess. What about that cute secretary at the college? The one who has a sparkle in her eye whenever she talks to David? How old is she? Forty-two? Divorced and sexy. How would I know if something’s going on there?
I'm going crazy lying here, she began again. Where’s the Xanax? Already packed. Oh, that was dumb.
About Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein 

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known positive psychologist, inspires thousands with her ENCHANTED SELF®. Around the world people benefit from her techniques to enhance well-being, and to live up to their potential. Known for her ability to make complex psychological concepts easy to understand and to implement, she has now turned her talents to novel writing.  "A great fiction read is a great escape, and yet, it is more! It is the gateway to new ways of thinking and behaving."

Dr. Holstein received her Doctorate in Education from Boston University and her BA degree from Barnard College. Dr. Holstein has been a school psychologist and taught first and second grades. She is in private practice with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein, in Long Branch, New Jersey. Find her at www.enchantedself.com

Her previous books include:
·       THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy
·       Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU!
·       The Truth (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything)
·       Seven Gateways to Happiness: Freeing Your Enchanted Self.

1 comment:

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