Tuesday, October 27, 2020

An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price


With tourist season about to start, Edna Esh is busier than ever, baking with her Amish Cookie Club friends and running her business serving meals to Englische tourists. You wouldn’t think she’d have time for matchmaking . . .
Edna couldn’t be happier that her new daughter-in-law, Bethany, is pregnant. But Bethany is also her best helper, and morning sickness has her out of commission. Desperate for more hands, Edna accepts a friend’s offer for her twin daughters, Rachel and Ella Mae, to step in. Trouble is, the young women are constantly bickering—except when Edna’s sons, Jeremiah and Jonas, are around . . .
It's soon clear that Rachel has taken a shine to Jeremiah, while Jonas is smitten with Ella Mae. It’s also clear the feelings aren’t reciprocated. But after confiding in the Cookie Club, Edna devises a plan for the pairs to spend more time together. The only problem is it seems to be failing. Yet it appears there’s a grander plan at work—and as nature takes its course, and the MayFest arrives, there’s reason to look forward to the bountiful sweetness of a double wedding come autumn



About The Author

I’ve always wanted to be a writer, ever since I could read which was at a very, very young age. There is something magical about telling novels that immerse the readers in the characters and the stories. All of my novels, both the Amish romance and the women’s fiction, have pieces of me in them, some more than others. However, all of my novels are written with one major purpose in mind: to take the reader on a journey. A personal journey.

Unlike many other authors of the Amish fiction genre, I try to dig deeper into the Amish culture as well as the individualism of the characters. I think people have a tendency to stereotype the Amish, to make them as if God cut them from the same fabric. But they are people, just like everyone else in the world. Individuals with feelings, dreams, hopes, and disappointments. My experience living among the Amish (and growing up with a Mennonite family) helps to add authenticity and accuracy to the setting, but my deep-rooted awareness about the psychology of people adds a layer of depth to the characters that are not seen in many other novels.

As for the women’s fiction, I really dive into the emotional awareness and growth of the main characters. Fortunately–or unfortunately, some might think– I’ve lived many different lifetimes—some good, many not so good. I’m able to pull from those experiences when I’m developing characters, regardless of their situation: breast cancer, depression, isolation, drug addiction, sexual abuse, divorce, domestic violence, etc. I believe that many of my readers either know someone who have experienced these situations or have experienced it themselves so, when they read my women’s fiction, they recognize that I know what I’m talking about.

Additionally, I have a sixteen-year-old daughter who trains wild mustangs. She’s won four championships with the Extreme Mustang Makeover in the past two years.  Today, we live on a 30-acre horse ranch in northern Florida and travel around the country for Cat to compete and perform. The good news is that I can write anywhere. So, I bring my laptop and I’m all set to work!


My Review

We are back with the life long friends in this Amish Community, they continue to back their cookies for the Amish Aid, and Edna is needing help with her dinners she serves to tourists.
Against her better judgement she decides to give her friends Wilma's twin daughters , Ella Mae and Rachel, know as the bickering twins, a chance to help her.
Surprise, there is also a chance the twins might end up with at least one of Edna's sons. Is there romance in the air? You will wonder which twin is interested in which brother? Will the mother's influence their children, tongue in cheek, no, will maybe push them in the right direction.
There are some really cute moments in this story, and some shake your head times, and it did take a while to know whom was interested in whom.
A sweet page-turner!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.


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