Monday, August 14, 2017

Hold the Light by April McGowan

To an artist, the light is everything. So what is Amber supposed to do when facing blindness?

Amber spent her life adapting first to being abandoned by her birth mother as a toddler, and then to the death of her adoptive father in her teen years. Now she's moved past all that, loving life as an independent woman: she has a job as an art instructor and the perfect apartment.

But when a routine eye appointment reveals she's losing her sight, life comes to a halt. Pressures come at her from all sides. Her mother, her boss, her boyfriend and her closest friend, Shannon, all have ideas about what's best for her.

Even after her blindness counselor, Ethan, befriends her and opens her eyes to new opportunities and the possibility of a deeper relationship, one haunting question remains: How could the God she loved all her life turn everything upside down again?


About The Author

April McGowan loves to write healing fiction. She and her husband, two children, and her mews, Spookers, live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. April is a member of Oregon Christian Writers and American Christian Fiction Writers. When she's not writing, reading down her book list, homeschooling her two children, or playing board games, you might find her at her drum kit, imagining she's on a world tour. Hey, it could happen.


My Review

This poor girl ends up having to come to terms with a lot in her young life, and now she is facing blindness. Horrible under any circumstance, but she is an artist and a teacher, and very talented!
When we meet Amber she has just gotten diagnosed, and has to face reality, and we soon meet who is there for her. We also learn early on that she was adopted, and then another bombshell is quickly dropped, and more for her to come to terms with.
There is one amazing friend in Shannon, she is more than a sister of the heart to Amber, and her boyfriend Justin is a keeper. Not all around her are as they appear and one turns out to be a stalker, now he is a scary dude.
Follow along as she received a lot of heartache and amazing blessings, but not all is gloom when little Mocha comes into her life, and then there is Ethan; is he the one, or another heartache?
We are with this brilliant artist as she comes to terms with blindness, and her journey of faith. I couldn’t put this one down until the last page was turned.
I received this book through Whitefire Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review.

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