Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Finding Sarah Finding Me: A Birthmother's Story by Christine Lindsay

Sometimes it is only through giving up our hearts that we learn to trust the Lord.
Adoption. It's something that touches one in three people today, a word that will conjure different emotions in those people touched by it. A word that might represent the greatest hope…the greatest question…the greatest sacrifice. But most of all, it's a word that represents God's immense love for his people.

Join birth mother Christine Lindsay as she shares the heartaches, hopes, and epiphanies of her journey to reunion with the daughter she gave up...and to understanding her true identity in Christ along the way.

Through her story and glimpses into the lives of other families in the adoption triad, readers will see the beauty of our broken families, broken hearts, and broken dreams when we entrust them to our loving God.

Barnes & Noble

About The Author

Christine Lindsay writes historical inspirational novels with strong love stories, and she takes pride in her Irish roots. Her great grandfather and grandfather worked as riveters in the Belfast shipyard, one of those ships her ancestors helped build was the Titanic.

On her mother’s side, it was stories of ancestors who served in the British Cavalry in India that seeded Christine’s long-time fascination with the British Raj and became the stimulus for her series Twilight of the British Raj.

The Pacific coast of Canada, about 200 miles north of Seattle, is Christine’s home where she lives with her husband, David, and they enjoy the visits from their adult children and grandchildren. Like a lot of authors, Christine’s chief editor is her cat.

My Review

The Author bares her soul in this book that should be a must read for adopter and birth moms and adoptees.
We read about Christine’s first meeting with her darling daughter that she has not seen since she was three days old and is now twenty. The story of Christine and her family is like ripping a Band-Aid off, and not knowing your doing it. Through all of the struggles the anchor is God.
Christine’s story is featured throughout the book along with other stories of adopters, adoptees and almost. There is so much heartache, dread and all out love here, and we walk in the author’s shoes. Would I have had the courage to do what she did? In this day so many babies are kept, unheard of when I was growing up, and yet wouldn’t you want to keep you own baby?
This story touches me on a very personal level, I saw the baby my sister gave up, and he brought joy into our lives when God opened doors to let us meet him. There was all class reunion that year in our small town, and my Florida, Indiana and Illinois siblings were all home, my sister the Mother the one from Illinois, this is the last time we were all here. Anyway, God pulled strings and my new nephew was traveling this way to go to Canada; he stopped and we met this blessed man.
The Author has arranged for all proceeds of this book to be donated to the Woman and Children’s Initiative with Gain, Sarah and Mark work for them, yes a Blessing.
I received this book from the Author, and was not required to give a positive review.

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